negusm Site Admin

Joined: 25 Aug 2004 Posts: 5189 Location: Charlotte, NC
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 1:48 pm Post subject: Plaques Explained |
From Sandy Block:
Dash Plaque Numbers
In 1988 & 1990 ascMcLaren did NOT start over, (NUMBERING THE DASH PLAQUES) since 1987 & 1988 were considered "SERIES I" and 1989 & 1990 were considered "SERIES II"
Therefore, here are your numbers:-
001-479 = 1987
480-1,494 = 1988
001-247 = 1989
248-301 = 1990
1900-1911 = 12 Silver Anniversary Edition 1990s
Any Dash Plaque beginning with 16_ _ is a "Service" Plaque, sent to people who lost the original and request another.
Replacement of your original ~ it's possible, but costly. Figure in the neighborhood of $120.00. {contact Sandy for the order of hoops you need to jump thru to obtain an original with correct stamping of the number.}
The numbering of the 1986 Capri ascMcLaren Hatchback Coupes was done from # 001 to # 115. Due to the fact that ascMcLaren brought inside about a dozen or so cars at a time to convert, the numbering process was not always exact. Close, but not exact, in that one car may have been completed a day sooner than another car that came in at the same time. One might be # 88 while the car that was finished last might be # 86, just by way of example.
EuroCoupes were not numbered. 1985 Coupes were not numbered. The 1985 Grand Prix IV group of 30 units were not numbered. _________________ 1985 ascMcLaren Coupe - Midnight Blue
Under Restoration |